SAE EIA-649-1, “ Configuration Management Requirements for Defense Contracts” is not an ANSI approved standard and does not explain overall CM processes to the detail found in ANSI/EIA-649B. It addresses overall requirements for best CM practices but does not mandate the use of specific approaches on how CM should be implemented in any particular environment. It is applicable to commercial and government environments.

It explains CM and provides the rationale for the various CM processes. SAE ANSI/EIA-649B, “ Configuration Management”, is the best known industry standard for configuration management. What is the Difference Between 649B & 649-1?
#Eia 649 1 pdf
This course will address the full -1 standard and provide you with a free, licensed PDF copy of the standard. It is hoped that it will help standardize CM requirements and interactions between the DoD and their contractors.ĬMPIC now offers the NEW Course 10, “SAE/EIA-649-1 CM Requirements for Defense Contracts,” a University of Houston sponsored SAE/EIA-649-1 certification course (3 days, 2.4 CEUs). SAE EIA-649-1 addresses the acquirer/supplier relationship similar to those described in the cancelled mil-standards, but applies more modern 649 principles as its basis. This standard is for placing tailored Configuration Management requirements on Defense contracts.” “This is a defense unique standard to the non-government standard, ANSI/EIA-649B Configuration Management Standard, that generates, manages, and is controlled by the non-government standard body with Defense membership to provide requirements specific for Defense contracts. It is an additional defense specific standard that is a stand alone “supplement” to what will become (my opinion) a “649 CM series”. This is not a replacement for SAE ANSI/EIA-649B. It is entitled “Configuration Management Requirements For Defense Contracts”. SAE EIA-649-1 was released November 2014.